Tuesday 26 February 2013

Cover Picture

After making my draft, I think I am going to shoot more photos with the model looking at the camera, but with a similar natural pose. 

Also, after researching more covers, I am debating whether to use an image with a more simple background e.g just plain white, so the text can stand out a lot more, or with a close up shot, focusing on just the model's face. I also think that this may make the magazine look more professional and conventional. I think using an image that is just the models face is very effective as the model is the first aspect that catches the readers eye.

This is an example of another outdoor mid-shot. I think having the model closer to the background is more effective than having the model closer, meaning the background is out of focus.

Yet, I think that I will shoot some more pictures against a white background in a studio, as this will make the cover look much more professoinal as I feel that I will not be able to produce an outdoor mid-shot that will be of a good quality. This is because of the weather, as at the moment there is not enough green for the background to look natural, and the lighting will not be as effective if the weather is overcast.

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