Tuesday 5 February 2013

Draft Article

Usually when you see a teenage girl with an acoustic guitar you tend to think of her writing songs about her silly heartbreaks, or how she's 'never, ever getting back together'. Yet, Eleanor is the complete opposite of this. Her songwriting is of a woman who has seen her time, her guitar playing is complex yet effortless and you'd never expect such a powerful voice to come out of such a small young woman. 

A: So 2012 was a crazy year for you, do you feel much has changed?
E: Oh god, last year was one of the best years of my life, so much has changed. After I signed the record deal, i've not stopped. Musically i've grown massively as i've learnt so much from the people i've been around. I think that most of the changes have had a positive effect on me. I must have played over 150 gigs last year, I loved every second.

A: Any plans to tour other countries?
E: Well, I've recently been asked to support The Lumineers on their North America tour. I'm really looking forward to it and it's going to be an experience as i've never actually been to the US in my whole life! I absolutely love The Lumineers, being asked to tour with them is such an achievement in my life!

A: So what made you want to start playing music and writing songs?
E: Mostly my Dad. He always played guitar around the house and encouraged me to play. But I was never really interested until I was about 10. After that I couldn't put the guitar down! Also my parents had a huge vinyl collection, all the classics. The records were always on around the house. I think without the constant stream of music around my life I would have never made the kind of music I do.

A: Where was your first gig?
E: The first time I played infront of an audience that wasn't just may parents was at an open mic in Leicester. I remember how nervous I was, I chose somewhere where I was most likely not to see anyone I knew! After that I started playing regular open mics around where I live, that then led to support slots of local artists in small pubs. These gigs never had any money in them as they were usually just us and the barman. Yet eventually I headlined a local venue, the crowd was entirety made of friends from school that which I had to bribe to come!

A: Would you say that your image is a selling point?
E: To be honest, I think that image can be important in the music industry as some artists use their image to hide their real personality, I think that this is what most pop artists tend to do these days. But personally, I wouldn't say that you need a good image in order to succeed in this business. I'm fine with just wearing a plain top with a skirt, trousers or some shorts. I'm not very crazy when it comes to trends and I could never imagine myself wearing a meat dress.

A: Any festivals Lined up in 2013?
E: Yes, most of the line ups are still waiting to be confirmed. But I think that this summer is going to be crazy. I'm trying to do any festivals that I get offered to play this year! I've recently been announced for Boardmasters, i've always wanted to go down to this festival, but i've not been able to!

A: Are we expecting an Album soon?
E: Yes! I've got all the songs that are ready to be recorded in Spring. But I don't want to rush this album as it's my debut, and I want it to do as good as it can and I'd never release anything without putting my heart into it. I released my second E.P. in November and this seems to have gone down very well, so I hope that this is what the Album is going to be like!

Eleanor's E.P is available on iTunes, find her on facebook, twitter and youtube.

Find out more and see Eleanor perform an acoustic version of 'Falling' at awemagazine.com

1 comment:

  1. This is a well written article but it is about 300 words short of 1000. You'll need about 1000 to fill the space adequately.
