Tuesday 29 January 2013

Magazine Construction Task

I chose an image of an artist of the genre I want to base my own magazine around (Ben Howard). For my magazine I also want to use an outdoor mid shot. I started with the name 'Frontline' in a 'Georgia' font as i felt that it suited the genre. I then added the date and barcode, I later realised that I had left the price off the cover, which I was thinking would be £3.00. I liked the idea of having a handwritten font as it looks more interesting, after choosing a font for the artists name, I felt that this did not match with the Georgia font I had chosen for the original title, so I decided to change the font to a more modern, attractive font. I then moved the date underneath the masthead as I believe that this looks better than if it was to the side. 

1 comment:

  1. For 60 minutes work this is pretty good. The '2013 tour?' element looks out of place on a a magazine cover and almost gives it the appearance of a poster. Nice use of font though and the layout is precise.
